Our Biggest Leaps

Imagine being on your deathbed years from now, looking back at your life, and having the satisfaction of knowing it was a COMPLETE success. What would be the number one thing, above all else, that made it great? That’s the question we ask and answer in this episode of The Big Leap. Gay and I…

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What’s the Opposite of Bureaucracy? The Golden Thread – Collaboration and Partnerships that Produce Massive Value

What’s the “Golden Thread” that unites frontstage and backstage, or sales and fulfillment of a successful business?”  Think about the customer’s journey… all of the team stakeholders… sales, program advisors, coaches etc. How can a business leader ensure that there’s a “through line” so everyone is on the same page even though they all have…

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Everything You Need to Have a Big Leap Year

What if you were able to overcome your “Big Leap” barriers and upper limits to achieve real happiness and fulfillment? What if you had a clear path for achieving your true potential and attaining not only financial success but also success in love and life? What if this was YOUR YEAR to take your Big…

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Your Consciousness is Your Most Valuable Product

What IS consciousness? What does it actually mean? “Consciousness refers to your individual awareness of your unique thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations, and environments. Consciousness is your awareness of yourself and the world around you.” (Your awareness is subjective and unique to you. If you can describe something you are experiencing in words, then it is…

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The Charisma Amplifier

Most people think “charisma” is just something you’re born with… not something that can be taught. That’s where you’d be wrong, my friend… Charisma CAN be a learned skill! But how do you develop it? What do you have to let go of in order to open up to the kind of charisma that makes…

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Pride and Fear of Asking for Help

Do you have a problem asking for help or support? Does it feel shameful to ask? Do you feel like you’ll be looked down on if you do? Here’s the thing… EVERYone (and I do mean everyone) needs help to move forward and grow sometimes. Whether it’s in business or life and there is NO…

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5 Powerful Ways To Answer Top Sales Objections

That costs too much money… It’s WAY too expensive… I don’t have the cash right now… What’s the return on investment? What about “I’m not going to pay $10,000, $15,000 or $20,000, for a virtual program! I expect an in-person experience.” What are the biggest sales objections you and your team are getting consistently that…

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