7 Steps to Finding Freedom in Your Business
What are the biggest challenges you face in your business? Cash flow? Hiring and dealing with employees or contractors? Managing time? Delegating tasks? Knowing what to sell? Marketing? Capital? Budgets? Just generally feeling overwhelmed?
Wouldn’t it be great to actually work on your business instead of in your business so it can grow, scale and even be sold at a huge profit someday? What if your business didn’t require you to be present and ran on systems instead of you?
Transitioning from working in your business to on your business can be a daunting task.
I recently sat down with Randy Stanbury, the founder, and president of 4 Level Coach, an organization that helps Custom Home Builders do just that by implementing simple systems, a new mindset and leveraging employee strengths. There are seven steps to freedom that make the seemingly impossible possible.
Watch our interview here.
Randy's freedom theories in practice
The custom home building industry in Canada (where Randy is based) is a several billion-dollar industry and represents a massive number of jobs. But most of these builders are facing several difficult challenges. One of them is that they're dealing with anywhere from 20 to 30 different contractors at the same time. Most of us have dealt with at least one contractor in our life. Now multiply that by a dozen and try to keep up with timing, scheduling and making the client happy. It can become extremely challenging. Frustration and 60+ hour work weeks were not what most of these business owners had in mind when they got started.
Here’s where Randy and 4 Level Coach come in. Take Dave Bernstein, for example, the owner of DB Custom Homes. Dave wanted to double his business over the next two to three years with far more freedom when he hired Randy and 4 Level Coach. What they were able to do with Randy’s system was completely transform the business—but not in two years. Dave’s business doubled in just 90 days. But that’s not all, he got his phone to stop ringing 10 and 12 hours a day, too.
The first thing Randy and 4 Level Coach did was create a clear 3-year vision for Dave’s dream business. The next step was an in-depth analysis of where Dave and his team were spending their time. Finding gaps and leverage points to transition as much of his “in the business” workload as possible. This allowed for the creation of new roles and responsibilities across the team, freeing up Dave substantially. He could now focus his time on the business, doing far more high-value tasks. The results then speak for themselves.
If you’d like to learn how to get similarly incredible results in such a short amount of time, he’s got a brand new book coming out called Small Business Freedom Formula.
To learn more about Randy and 4 Level Coach, you can check out his website here, www.4levelcoach.com, email him directly at info@4levelcoach.com or give him a call at 1- 866-737-3322. Whichever way you decide to get in touch, you will not regret it. Randy is a superstar in his field and an all-around great human being!
Watch our interview here: https://4levelcoach.com/media/
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