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Latest Episodes

Tell me what you love in threes that ain’t chili from Chicago . . . I used to LOVE chili but I don’t get along with it AT ALL. Dan Sullivan is the smartest man I know, hands down. At 80, he remembers everything. I mean everything. His formula for collaborations and wealth creation are…
If I would have had the tests I’m about to mention, I probably would have never gone through stage 3a colorectal cancer, surgery, chemo and radiation. As a cancer survivor, I know exactly what it means to face mortality. It’s like your entire life flashes before your eyes, and all you can think about is…
I had the BEST discussion the other day with my good friend Joe Polish, founder of the Genius Network. He said something in the FIRST MINUTE of the show that is 100% true. “Everyone here [at the filming event] is here because they want something: productivity, better clients, more money…and they're looking at utilization of…
I wanted to share an exciting new way for entrepreneurs, authors, and writers – like you – to create audiobook versions of your books in just ONE week. In my latest episode of Capability Amplifier, Paul Colligan and I discuss how to use Ai to get your book recorded and out on distribution platforms, like…
Today’s podcast is going to completely shift how you think about hiring and building teams. Dan dropped a major revelation during our conversation – instead of “hiring” people, we should be CASTING them like a theater director casts actors for roles. Dan and Jeff Madoff are working on a new book called “Casting, Not Hiring”…
Get ready to go down the rabbit hole of intrigue with today’s podcast episode. Trust me, you won't want to miss this one! Gay and I uncovered the keys to captivating your audience from the moment you open your mouth. We're talking tips, tricks, and mind-blowing strategies to hook people in and leave them desperate…

Latest Blog Posts

We all had dreams of being big rockstars when we were kids, right? Who hasn’t played air-guitar a time or two? Well, my recent podcast guest, Jason Flom was no different. He turned his dreams of Rock and Roll stardom into reality … while making the world a much better place at the same time.…
“It takes courage to put a stake in the ground, to OWN who you are and what you believe in. I BELIEVE … That’s a POWERFUL thing to say.” My latest guest helps his clients speak their counterintuitive truths to the world and when you can OWN a counterintuitive truth … you really have the…
“Who do you want to be a hero to?” This is one of the most powerful questions every business owner, leader and entrepreneur needs to answer to truly know who their ideal client or customer is. No matter what business, industry, product or service you provide – you need to understand the challenges your customers…
I know you want to elevate your personal and professional brand and create more connections than you can handle. The secret? Improving your interviewing skills should be priority number one! Here’s why… I recently did a video podcast with my good friend, Dustin Mathews of WealthFit He’s a super awesome guy who just moved to…
Today I’m going to share an interview I did with Tony Robbins about the coming financial trends and cycles that are going to affect all of us – most likely in the next few months. I know you’re looking for ways to get ahead, stay ahead and not get left behind as we go through…
Welcome to the Mike Koenigs Show – Money-making ideas for busy entrepreneurs. Sponsored by Bulletproof Coffee to supercharge your brain. This episode is all about launching your product! Season 1 comes to a close with JVZoo founder and Author of Millionaire Within, E. Brian Rose, who has advice for entrepreneurs looking to get online or for…

Capability Amplifier
My Podcast with


Founder of Strategic Coach®


How You, Your Marriage, Family and Business Can Survive and Thrive Through Cancer Diagnosis, Treatment and Recovery

Cancerprenuer Book Cover


Money Phone: How to Turn Your Smartphone into a Six Figure Money-Making Marketing Machine and Enroll Big Ticket Clients Quickly and Easily with Mobile Text and Video Marketing
