3 Secrets to Perfect Mastermind Experiences
If someone asked me “what’s the fastest way to double my income?”
The answer is simple.
There’s ONE thing that’s contributed to me generating over $60,000,000 over the course of my professional career and helping my clients earn hundreds of millions – possibly billions of dollars.
If you want to build relationships with high-performing, impact-minded thought-leaders, join masterminds.
I’ve run mastermind groups for over 15 years and have belonged to dozens of them.
I’d estimate that 70% of my income comes from relationships and referrals I made in masterminds.
The last few years have proven the importance and enormous opportunity of group engagement and Mastermind settings.
Dan and I have been discussing this topic a lot lately and we discovered that there are rules and formulas for a super successful event.
What are the rules for putting together great groups, creating an environment of collaboration, creativity and ultimately providing a tremendous amount of value?
BONUS… Dan reveals some of the deepest thinking I've witnessed in a long time. He shares his four types of thinking and his most powerful questions to help people experience a different version of their future.
This episode is all about Group Engagements and Masterminds. Listen and Watch here.
Dan is an absolute master of adapting quickly. Over the last few years inside of Strategic Coach, he figured out how to make Zoom more engaging than anyone I know.
While there are incredible takeaways during virtual events, there is still something to be said for a traditional group environment. Keeping people active, engaged, focused and providing huge results and transformations.
Now that we’re able to meet in person again, I have hosted a few, high-end Masterminds that were hugely successful with more in the works for the future. (Including a fishing Mastermind to Baja, Mexico and a wine Mastermind in Guadalupe Valley Mexico.)
We created deep, meaningful connections and collaborations. Both strong, personal relationships but also some business deals. One of them turned out to be an estimated half a billion dollars.
There are two main rules that are true for both virtual and in person events for the best group engagement:
#1: The purpose has to be curated by one person – That person calls the meeting and states clearly what the purpose of the meeting is as opposed to, “hey, we're going to get together with some really bright people.” You need a defined, curated purpose.
#2: One person curates the membership – In other words, who gets to be there because let’s face it… it just takes one turd in the punchbowl and everyone gets sick.
Then of course, you need some sort of structure to keep you on course. A time-line of exercises, presentations, questions, activities, eating, drinking and getting to know one another.
You want to create an exceptional experience where people feel as though they have experienced a transformation and walk away happy. This is the way to accomplish that.
Dan and I having a blast, connecting from our Zoom Studios
In-person Masterminds are 100 times more possible today than they were two years ago and we think people are taking them much more seriously than they did back then.
What can occur in a Mastermind this year compared to two years ago, is so much broader and because of what’s occurred, we see so many more possibilities than before.
It’s really fascinating. There are so many more ways to create value in a shorter period of time with less effort.
In some ways, this has been the worst of times but for certain people, it's been some of the best of times, (myself and Dan included) and I personally feel better equipped than ever before.
We went really deep during this episode and it’s now one of my favorite episodes so make sure to tune in to the WHOLE show.
Here’s where to go Listen and Watch.
See you on the inside.
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Capability Amplifier
My Podcast with
Founder of Strategic Coach®
Money Phone: How to Turn Your Smartphone into a Six Figure Money-Making Marketing Machine and Enroll Big Ticket Clients Quickly and Easily with Mobile Text and Video Marketing