The Best Wireless Microphone I recommend: Sony UWPV1 Lavalier
Sony UWPV1 Lavalier Microphone, Bodypack Transmitter & Portable RX Wireless System
Here's the microphone I recommend to everyone who wants a GREAT wireless system that sounds great, works with any camera that has an external microphone input AND can be used on camera, on stage and practically anywhere.
They are REALLY sturdy with a super strong metal case, they look great and are versatile in any environment.
To date, I haven't had one fail – and we REALLY put our mics through hell between our camera work, studio environment, on the road and the biggest challenging environment of all – THE STAGE!
They cost about $430 for the set – which may sound expensive but after spending BAD MONEY on rotten microphones that were $150-$300 and being absolutely frustrated with the results, you DON'T want to be cheap when it comes to your audio!
Capability Amplifier
My Podcast with
Founder of Strategic Coach®
Money Phone: How to Turn Your Smartphone into a Six Figure Money-Making Marketing Machine and Enroll Big Ticket Clients Quickly and Easily with Mobile Text and Video Marketing