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What I learned from consulting with Tony Robbins

October 22, 2013

“Mike, Proximity is power” – that’s what Tony told me after we spent an afternoon together when I set up his home video studio and showed him how to record and upload videos from his house in Palm Springs a few years ago.

Tony Robbins and Mike Koenigs at Digital Cafe Studios

What I think Tony meant with the “proximity” statement was how important it is and was to be around people who are success and abundance-minded – and how opportunities, connections and relationships manifest in those circumstances.

He also shared another piece of wisdom: take the five people you spend most of your time with, add their incomes, divide by five, and that’s probably what you make too.

Makes sense, doesn’t it?
Surround yourself with winners, and you’ll either turn into one or remain one too.

That consulting day changed my life. In many ways, it was the pinnacle of my consulting career and even though I was running my Traffic Geyser, Instant Customer and information publishing and training businesses, all of my inspiration, motivation and ideas come from working with clients and solving their big challenges.


Mike Koenigs at his home garage studio

Here I am in my old studio, a garage stall at my house

Business coaching and consulting has opened up giant doors for me – working with authors, experts, speakers, other consultants, celebrities and corporations, helping them with their online video, product creation, launch, publishing and marketing efforts…

I put together something that I think will help you – a series of training videos and PDF documents about how to start or grow a successful consulting business.

Watch the videos and get the PDF documents here.

If you have a business or work at a company, learning consulting skills helps you close more deals and make more money.

And if you’re thinking about leaving your career or job and doing something different, consulting is the fastest, easiest way to build a grow a business – Forbes and Inc. Magazines both consider consulting to be in the Top 10 best businesses to grow or start.

Here are the training videos about starting or growing a coaching or consulting business.

We call this “Top Gun Training” and in it, you’ll learn:

  • How to position yourself as the “go to” expert, even if you don’t know what your expertise is
  • What to charge – with six pricing models you can use
  • How to present a solution that a prospect is interested in
  • How to get and close a consulting deal (even if you don’t feel qualified or can’t se)
  • How to produce results and deliver great products

The training includes two videos and two high-quality PDF documents that show you step-by-step what you need to do to succeed as a coach or consultant in virtually any market or niche, anywhere in the world, full-time or part-time.

Check them out – and let me know what you think by leaving a comment on the page! I read every one of them!


PS – In the videos and PDF documents, you’ll learn the “Five P’s” that every successful consultant needs to succeed and the top four reasons most consultants fail.

PPS – Next week I’m hosting a couple live webcasts and will be answering your questions. When you access these videos and PDF documents, you’ll get notifications and reminders.



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